Tiger House Films’ Short “Dark Roads” Featured on Ground Report

Tiger House Films’ Short “Dark Roads” Featured on Ground Report

<img ” src=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xYdL7k70Bkc/TZpo8FCvOqI/AAAAAAAAAAs/jVkDRXwVgFA/s1600/Ground_Report.jpg” alt=”” border=”0″ style=”display:none”/>
Short Film Dark Roads on Ground Report

Tiger House Films founder/ director Jason Carpenter is currently profiled on the popular news site Ground Report. The article discusses his early film success with his short film Dark Roads.

Set in the 1970’s, Dark Roads tells the story of Paul Sansone (played by Calvin Weibe), a mob recruit who perilously falls in love with a Russian woman named Janie (played by Abigail McConnell) trafficked for the sex trade.

The film debuted at Young Cuts and was also screened in LA and New York as an official selection at the Bel-Air & Williamsburg International film festivals. Dark Roads employed professional stuntmen such as Eric Marche (known for work on big budget films such as Transformers), the special effects company Synapse FX, and armorers from ISS Prophouse who handled live ammunition from vintage handguns and a tommy gun.