Our Automotive Commercial Production | Hyundai Mobis

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Our Automotive Commercial Production | Hyundai Mobis

Our Hyundai Mobis Automotive Commercial Production

In collaboration with Border X, the Tiger House Films commercial production team created a series of three fun spots highlighting the newest features in the world of automotive technology. Our Los Angeles production company was contacted by the Border X agency from Seoul, South Korea to work on these spots that filmed in several locations in Downtown Los Angeles.

We had several challenges that we overcame during this commercial including the need to re-create the concept vehicle in post production while shooting with two separate physical vehicles on set (one for the interior and one for the exterior). In order to make this workflow happen, our producing team set up a one day shoot in Seoul to capture the actual concept vehicles from Mobis, parts of the captured footage was used in the re-creation of features inside the cars through VFX.

Our team also utilized a volume stage with an LED wall to capture the driving scenes in these spots. We shot this automotive commercial production mainly inside of Orbital Studios  on their curved LED stage. This workflow provided us the flexibility to light the subjects evenly and avoid permitting streets with police escorts and lock-offs. Our director Matt Pollock and DP Matt Ryan teamed up to work in some humor while showcasing the different aspects of the vehicle technology.

The first commercial spot showcases the holographic HUD technology that is viewed on the windshield of the vehicle, the second spot showcases the “mood-centric” lighting features of the interior of the vehicle, and thirdly the final spot showcases the 90 degree wheel turn technology for parallel parking in tight spots. All have a magical element to make the spots fun and light.

We look forward to working with Border X and Mobis again in the near future.

Video / Photos from our work at Tiger House Films and more can be viewed on our creative content production company’s Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/tigerhousefilms/

Our current portfolio of commercial, brand video and branded media productions can be found on our portfolio page here: https://tigerhousefilms.com/portfolio-2/
